Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Hellooooooo. This week was great. It's so awesome serving with Elder Bennett. It's like working with one of my best friends haha I love it. Our area is sick too. The church is right next to our apartment. And our apartment is called "The Gables" haha I thought that was funny.

Wednesday we went to the Temple for a temple tour with an investigator named Donita. She loved it. We're trying to help her receive baptism before she moves to NY in April. We had a baptism on Thursday too. A lady named May. It was an undercover baptism because she didn't want a lot of people there. But the Spirit was so strong there. It was a good baptism. Friday we went to a mosque because we had taught this lady named Efua and she invited us to it. It was definitely different. Really nice people there though. Saturday I spent the day in Elder Whitworth's new area on an exchange. And it was weird because I had been in that area before on exchanges when I was in Hunter's Creek. Brother Dion took us out to eat at Tommy Bahamas so it was good to see him again.

We have 7 people with a baptism date right now. One family of 5. Then two individuals. We had two people come to church. It was just a really good week. Refreshing. We have a baptism this weekend too with a lady named Helen. It's going to be sweeeeet.

This morning we went to the church and did zumba hahaha. This 51 year old sister does it every week. She is a BEAST! Haha she has a lot of endurance. There were 6 of us missionaries there and 2 other people. It was so fun. Definitely a work out.

Alright now to answer some of your questions: 1. The zone has 10 companionships including us, 3 districts. Our job is pretty much to just make sure the district leaders are happy and inspiring their districts. We really don't do a whole lot haha. It's nice. Being a district leader is a tough job. 2. Pleasant Hill North is in Kissimmee, which is just south of Orlando. 3. I didn't see Elder Mullen because our ride down from Daytona was late. But I'll see him Friday because we are having a mission conference with ELDER BEDNAR! SOOOOOO FRESHHHHHH hahaha I'm so stoked. 4. White wash means when the two missionaries in an area are both taken out and two new ones are put in.

Tell aunt Karen that I am so proud of her! She'll be such a great missionary! Anyway that's about it for now. Love you!
Elder Austin Gable Engemann aka dubEE fresh

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