Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

Hello family!

Sounds like you had a pretty good week Mother! Dad you're still ballin' it up, giving Mom flowers and whatnot for her birthday. Ha-ha, keepin' it fresh! Bet you loved it, huh Mom? :)

So great newsss, Karolyn and Jonathan are getting baptized this Saturday!! We’re so excited for them. I’ll be performing the baptism for Jonathan and Elder Miller will be for Karolyn. Ah I can't even explain to you how good of a family they are! Everything has just been perfect. They have no problems with anything. It’s been awesome getting to know them and helping them prepare towards baptism into the Lord's church. They are excited, but they also see the importance of this step in their lives. Which is a good thing!!

We are going to stop teaching Chalande and Nelson. It’s really not going anywhere because they won't take the initiative to come to church. Something always comes up. We even introduced them to a member family that lives right by them and they said that they would be more than happy to provide a ride for them. But it hasn't happened so we're going to have to stop meeting with them. They aren't progressing and they will be moving down south for the entire Summer. But they have been taught the lessons, so later down the line they will be prepared for other missionaries! I like how that works. The Lord prepares people little by little and at their own pace.

At the moment we're just trying to get some more investigators into our teaching pool. So we've been doing mostly finding activities lately and quite a bit of tracting. We’re still looking for the elect that will be willing and ready to accept the message. We’ve talked to a lot of really nice people though.

Dad it's really interesting that you brought up how you recently recorded a song for Kenneth Cope. First of all, that's awesome and I can't wait to hear it. But it's weird because this week, while I was knocking on doors, I started to sing "My Grown Up Christmas List" and "The Inn Keeper's Song". And I wrote down in my planner to tell you that you need to do an album. Pharrel !! (editorial comment: that mean’s “for real” to anyone 30 and under) . And I expect it to be done before I come home from my mission. Dead serious!! You’re too good to not do an album. So yeah, I expect that to be sent to me in the near future. No questions asked. Thanks :)

I love being a missionary. It’s cool to see how I’ve been progressing over the past weeks. As I continue to try to be in tune with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and pray for guidance, my words just flow off of my tongue. I can see myself being used as an instrument in God's hands and it's very humbling and just great!

Anyway...things are wonderful. And I love you both. And hope you have an amazing week.

Be blessed~


Elder Austin Gable Engemann aka DubEE fresh

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