Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, 2011

Helloooooo Mom and Dad!

Another great week in the FOM. Very busy. We had Zone Conference on Monday and Tuesday. Elder Larry W. Gibbons of the 2nd Quorum of the Seventy came to the mission and taught at each one. It was un...realllll. He taught us so many important things. A lot of it had to do with "real growth" in the Church. Basically retention stuff. As well as a lot of things about member work and working with wards and stakes. Good stuff. Elder Gregson and I also did some teaching and role plays on member work.

On Monday night Elder Gregson and I had the opportunity to go over to the mission home and talk about a few things with President and Sister Hall and Elder and Sister Gibbons about how we could make the next day even better. We also both had a private interview with Elder Gibbons. It was AWESOME! He asked me some things about the mission and other stuff. But at the end I got to ask him a few questions. He had some great advice about things that had been somewhat on my mind lately. It was an amazing opportunity.

Wednesday was a miracle day! Here's a story for you: We had an appointment with Carlie on Wednesday. She was originally supposed to get baptized today, but we had some feelings that we needed to move it back a week so she could meet the Bishop and just feel more comfortable and confident in her decision. So we call her before our appointment and she explains to us that her friend Gabriella will be there with her as well. So we were thinking "Great! The more, the merrier." So we go to teach them at the pavilion and this is what goes down (give or take a few words):

: Hey! How's it going? We are Elder Engemann and Elder Gregson.
Gabriella: Hi! My name is Gabriella.
Elders: So where are you from?
Gabriella: I am from Washington. Carlie and I used to hang out back in Washington; we were roommates. I used to meet with missionaries too!
Elders: No wayyy! That's great! (double high fives)
Gabriella: Yeah, I've waited for this for a long time. Now there is nothing holding me back. Things used to always get in the way of this but now is the right time.

Our jaws practically dropped. It was pretty much the first thing she said to us. The Lord has been preparing her for this for a longgg time. All her friends when she was growing up were members. She used to go to church, seminary, FHE, everything. So we talked for a while and ended up setting a baptism date with both Carlie and Gabriella for next Saturday (we later found out that Carlie would be out of town next weekend so it will be on the 19th). The Spirit was strong. They both have amazing backgrounds and stories. Pretty similar too. Please pray for Carlie and her family. She needs it right now. Pray for both of them. They are so amazing and ready for this. And the Lord, in His tender mercy, provided a way that they can both be here on the College Program to accept it together. Then after the pow wow, we invited them to go on a Temple tour that night. Carlie could go, but Gabriella had to go to work. She really wanted to go, and in the closing prayer she asked God to provide a way for her to be able to go. She called her manager, who never lets people off, and he said she could have the night off. WHATTT...miracles. So they both came, along with tons of other people from the ward, and loved it. So great. Thursday we had ZLC. Talked about a lot of good things.

Friday we went on another Temple tour with Dave and some peeps from the ward. Temple tours are great. So that was our week. Good times. Kristen will be getting baptized next weekend. She was out of town this week for a funeral but is here again and we are excited to meet with her. She is awesome. Please pray for her.

In response to some of the things you said to me in the email: 1. Yes, I did lose some friends from the Stuart move. But I'll see them soon, most likely. 2. Dad, you were correct. I was right next to Sister Parker when she was on the phone with you about my Social Security card/Birth Certificate hahaha. 3. I don't know if I'll finish as AP. You really never know haha. But Elder Gregson and I will stay together another transfer. Four transfers with the same companion. Doesn't happen too often. Stoked. My guess is that after this next transfer Elder Gregson will go back to Spanish work (which he is dying to do hahaha) and I will finish off my last transfer with someone else. I don't know...but the Lord does :) 4. Tell Ty and Brett that I LOVE THEM! And any of my other friends you see.

So thank you for all of your prayers for our investigators and us. I know it helps. Prayer changes things. The weather here is cool. And so is missionary work. Love you both! Tons and tons! Have a wonderful week :)

p.s. Brother and Sister Gregson, if you read this...I love you. And your son is a savage missionary!

Elder Austin Gable Engemann

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